Moodle backend

The activities that are part of the programme are listed in Moodle under Co-curricular activities.

Each activity is aligned to one of the four guiding principles, and leads to an achievement (in Moodle terminology, an achievement is a "badge").

Staff who run co-curricular activities are known in the programme as "activity owners".

Each activity owner has a course in Moodle, which we have set up for you, and made you a module leader. You can use as much or as little of the Moodle functionality as you wish; the students will mainly engage with activities through the app, unless you specifically direct them to the course.

The only thing that you have to use Moodle for is awarding a badge.

Awards (where students have gained two or more achievements in a category) are awarded automatically.

Example activities in Moodle

OBUDOC Documentary Club - here, the activity owner has uploaded a lot of material to the Moodle module, and can now use this to advertise the activity to students.

Volunteering London Book Fair - this Moodle module is currently empty, and that is absolutely fine, as only the description of the activity will be displayed on the mobile app.